
Please note that any specific mention of a company is simply that: a mention. Rachel Lang; RCL Consulting, LLC; Astrology for Creatives; Bonnie Gillespie; Chart Harmony; and Cricket Feet, Inc., have not been paid to represent any company or service in good favor and you should make no assumption as to the reputation of any companies and services mentioned by Rachel Lang, Bonnie Gillespie, or any participant in Astrology for Creatives courses. Always verify information from any source before taking big leaps of faith or finances.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent these programs and their potential impact on your career. Any testimonial content is indicative of creatives who experienced exceptional results from working with Rachel Lang or Bonnie Gillespie, and their results will not always apply to the average consumer of this or similar offerings. Testimonials neither represent nor guarantee that anyone will achieve similar results, as an individual’s success depends on background, base-level knowledge, drive, education, inspiration, personality, talent, time devoted to the program’s tools, and overall willingness to follow through the curriculum offered herein. Application is up to you!

The information provided as a part of your astrology consultancy services purchased from Rachel Lang and Bonnie Gillespie does not represent a recipe for success, a guarantee of a job, or even a promise of increased confidence; it is intended to educate, entertain, and inspire you as you find joy in your creative journey. Confidentiality is expected out of respect for all participants. The curriculum elements provided at this site are intended for educational and inspirational purposes only and do not constitute any type of diagnosis or healthcare, medical, or psychological recommendation. Nothing we provide is intended to replace care that is better received from qualified professionals in the medical, psychiatric, financial, and legal fields. Astrology consultancy is not a substitute for a medical or clinical diagnosis or treatment. THIS IS NOT THERAPY. You are expected to know when your needs expand beyond *our* capacity as your facilitators.

Please note that we pride ourselves on creating and maintaining an environment that is welcoming for people who may feel under-represented and who are underestimated due to race, gender, sexuality, age, physical state, religion, or neurobiology. We define success as sovereignty around freedom, ease, and joy without buying into hustle culture, championing unhealthy/dominant culture norms for productivity, or wallowing in scarcity. We have a zero-tolerance policy on harassment of any kind. No name-calling, no slurs, no hatred, no bigotry, no dead-naming, no gaslighting, no victim shaming, no unsolicited advice-giving, no bullying of any kind.

Different sources (apps, humans, and everything in between) will provide different interpretations of your chart. This can seem confusing, but it’s actually rather freeing. It underscores that you have free will. You have the power to CHOOSE what resonates and what falls flat. You steer your own ship, and ultimately you get to decide how to describe the waters on which you sail. Astrologers will simply interpret what they’re seeing in the seas. Or, to leave the metaphor behind and get more geographically accurate, what they’re seeing in the stars.

Irrespective of the level of coaching in which you engage, no member of the Astrology for Creatives; RCL Consulting, LLC; or Cricket Feet, Inc., team is personally responsible for your actions nor your results. As with any career endeavor, there is the inherent risk of loss of capital and absolutely no guarantee that you will find the agent of your dreams, book the role of a lifetime, earn ridiculous amounts of money, fall in love, or achieve any specific results by following the tools outlined in these course materials.

In accordance with laws in several countries, we must emphasize that your astrological consultancy work with us is for entertainment purposes only. No guarantee can be provided as to the accuracy of a reading or the efficacy of a service. YOU are responsible for your own life choices, actions, and decisions and you waive all rights to future claims by participating in this course, as fully spelled out in our legal terms and conditions, linked below.

Still, we’re pretty dang sure you’re gonna love the future version of you as a result of our time together. In fact, we’re so sure you’ll rock this stuff out that we’re offering a money-back guarantee if you decide within ten business days of your contract’s start date that this isn’t the right fit for you. Just let us know as outlined in your fully-executed contracted terms that you’d like your money back, and we’ll refund your tuition, no questions asked! How’s THAT for a deal?

By entering our site, you are agreeing to all Terms and Conditions as outlined here.

Now, let’s DO this!